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http://www.RelationshipToolkit.com is the home of "The Relationship Maven," Stephanie Roth. Her goal is to connect you with tools, services, and people to raise...
i am really curious. If it's true that people are not naturally inclined to be in monogamous relationships, why do people continue to do it, knowing they will ...
Being cheated on is one of the most painful experiences possible in a relationship but otherwise kind and reasonable people still do it. Why? Is it the temptati...
In this http://www.esnewsreporting.com video we take a look at the story behind the story. EsNews is a sports channel talking to stars, celebs, trainers, fans ...
What do you think why do people cheat? Do you think its only lust?Not it's not.There are some other reasons for which people cheat. If you want to read the full...